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Commercial Solicitation Policy

I. Preamble


As used in this policy, “commercial solicitation” means the attempted sale, lease, rental, or offer for sale, lease, or rental of any property, product, merchandise, or service, whether for immediate or future delivery; or the distribution of information in support of these activities.

BSU Community, including student organizations and departments, promoting their club and department programs, 不需要填写商业邀请申请表格, unless they are inviting external entities, such as Food Trucks.

非bsu组织/个人必须填写商业征集申请表,以申请向校园社区征集的许可. However, 如果这些个人/组织只是邀请他们的活动嘉宾(非bsu社区), 他们不需要填写商业申请表格.


II. Policy Statement

Commercial solicitation shall be permitted, subject to reasonable regulation as to time, place, and manner thereof.

No student, student organization, employee, outside agency, 或外部人员不得向桥水州立大学校园内的任何员工或学生招揽销售或提供任何出售物品, 除非事先得到大学服务处处长的批准.


严禁出售未使用的毕业典礼门票. Commencement tickets are allocated to each student, based on occupancy rates, 每个学院的典礼都有额外的门票,先到先得, first-served basis. 任何被发现出售或购买未使用过的毕业典礼门票的人都可能面临学术处分,包括失去参加毕业典礼的权利. The tickets are university property, 因此,每张票都是“可撤销的许可证”,大学可以在任何时候自行决定撤销.

Approval will be granted if:

  1. 拟议的活动对大学有明显的好处, consistent with its purpose, 协助实现大学的教育目标, and
  2. 不得不合理地干扰校园的运作;及
  3. is not prohibited by law.


  1. 为学生参与某些辅助企业的管理或适当的学校活动提供教育经验;
  2. To present recreational, cultural, 或者是独一无二的教育项目,或者是没有商业赞助就无法获得的教育项目.g.由健康中心和当地企业共同主办的“健康博览会”);
  3. 加强学生招聘或其他公共关系计划(例如.g.主办青少年活动的商业机构使用校园设施);
  4. 允许某些出版物的印刷,否则大学将负担不起(e).g., athletic event schedules or theatrical programs);
  5. 提供校园无法提供的产品或服务(e).g., trophies, class rings, specialty items).

III. Regulations

提议的活动的好处必须大于对学校的任何负面影响. For example:

  1. Commercial solicitation may not interfere or compete with the commercial operations of Bridgewater State University or contractual relations with its affiliates; or infringe upon the university’s trademarks or other intellectual property rights.
  2. 禁止在大学宿舍楼和学术或行政大楼内进行商业招揽活动,不得干扰教学, the orderly operation of the university and the maintenance of its grounds; obstruct the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic; use sound amplification equipment; or in any way interfere with the rights of other persons on university property.
  3. False, misleading, 或禁止非法索赔,商业律师不得作任何陈述, implied or direct, 表示ladbrokes立博中文版对产品或服务的认可或保证.
  4. 禁止向填写信用卡申请表的学生提供礼物.
  5. 商业征集活动不得构成危害公共或个人安全的明确和现实的危险.

Miscellaneous provisions:

  1. 作为在校园招揽销售机会的交换,大学可能会收取费用, at its discretion, a commercial solicitation fee.
  2. 希望分发商业材料的个人必须向大学服务主任提供姓名和联系信息, as well as a copy of the materials to be distributed. 材料必须清楚地注明主办个人或组织的名称.
  3. 商业律师必须获得适当的执照或由适当的政府机构以其他方式许可.
  4. 此政策不适用于个人之间的私人销售,当没有试图招揽或出售给一般校园人口.
  5. 此政策不适用于校园报纸或任何大学刊物上的广告.

IV. Violations of this Policy

In the case of a violation of this policy, 从事商业招揽的许可可以被撤销, and future requests may be canceled or denied. ladbrokes立博中文版警察局将要求非附属商业律师离开校园.

Download the Commercial Solicitation Application